The Don Gorske Live Big Mac® Counter
Don Gorske has eaten:

Big Mac® Hamburgers,
since May 17, 1972
What even is a Big Mac® anyways?
Gorske The Big Mac® hamburger is the flagship hamburger of the McDonald's restaurant chain. Introduced on April 22, 1967, the burger features two all-beef patties with iceberg lettuce, a slice of American cheese, two slices of dill pickle, onions, a "special sauce" all on a three-sliced bun topped with sesame seeds.
Who even is this Don Gorske guy?
Donald A. Gorske, born on November 28, 1953, is the world record holder for most McDonald's Big Macs eaten in his lifetime. Hailing from Wisconsin, Don eats about two of the signature hamburgers everyday. He is most well known from his appearance in the 2004 documentary Super Size Me documenting his obsession with the burger. Gorske